Dear friend,
2024 has begun with us witnessing continued dreadful attacks on Gaza’s civilian population. It has been difficult to celebrate over the festive period knowing the suffering being endured by so many.

In our twin city and across the West Bank, the brutal, illegal, Israeli occupation intensifies. Over 300 people have been killed either by the Israeli Defence Force or by colonial settlers since October. 39 people have been killed in and around Nablus. Thousands have been arrested and held in Israeli jails including women and children. Movement in and out of Nablus is restricted by checkpoints, roadblocks and curfews. It is a very dark and dangerous time for all Palestinians.
Given all these horrors, it would be easy to slide into despair and inactivity. However, DNTA members along with many other groups in the city, have been relentlessly working to raise awareness of the current situation. We have been speaking at rallies and vigils for peace. We have spoken to schools, community groups and trade union groups and we are in regular contact with our friends in Nablus offering them our support and solidarity.
There is something everyone can do to promote peace. Currently we are launching our campaign to support the training of Nurses and Midwives in Nablus. Our press release will go out on 15th Jan and you can preview it below. I urge you to get involved if you can.
Our next Zoom talk with Art Workers for Palestine (Thursday 18th Jan at 6pm) will offer another possibility for action and we hope you can join us. Many more events are being planned for the coming months.
It is vital that we keep up the momentum. We can all do something to ensure that the world does not forget the people of Nablus and the whole of Palestine.
Mary McGregor