Wall painting - man with Palestinian flag

Event: Arts Workers for Palestine (AW4P)

Two members of AW4P will be talking to us by Zoom on Thursday 18th January at 6pm; please register below.

AW4P have come together in solidarity with the people of Palestine from across all different sectors of the arts in Scotland.

One of their aims is to highlight the difficulties the Israeli occupation and apartheid forces on Palestinian artists and cultural workers and the consequences this has on the production and expression of their art.

They are keen to learn from Palestinian artists, highlighting how important the arts are to connect audiences with the Palestinian experience.  They aim to create a movement across the arts sector in Scotland in support of Palestine and aim to build alliances with Scottish arts organisations to achieve this

Here in Dundee, there is a vibrant, active AW4P group who have been playing a prominent role in campaigning against the Israeli attack on Gaza and the occupation. Among other activities, they have produced posters for these events and have curated and hosted a series of Palestinian films at the city’s Art Generator space. They are also keen to highlight the city’s links with Nablus using art and creative work.

Saoirse Amira Anis is a Dundee-based artist and curator whose practice prioritises radical care, informality and empathy. Saoirse’s work is informed primarily by Black queer literature, her personal ancestry, and her own body as it moves through the world.
Recent projects include solo shows at Dundee Contemporary Arts (2023) and Cample Line (2022), and commissions for Art Night (2023) and Platform, Edinburgh Art Festival (2022).

Hanifah Ṣogbanmu (ha-nee-fah/show-ba-moo) is a Muslim artist, curator and writer of Yorùbá-Nigerian heritage, born and raised in Northwest London.  Phenomenology, cultural heritage, food, well-being, exploring indigenous ways of living, making and sharing knowledge and truth, are among the key themes that Hanifah explores in her multidisciplinary practice. She is an MFA student at DJCAD studying Curatorial Practice (Art and Design).

Saoirse Amira Anis and Hanifah Ṣogbanmu will discuss their work and how AW4P and DNTA can work together to promote Palestinian solidarity through various art forms.

Thursday 18th Jan 2024
by Zoom
Please register in advance