Support student Nurses and Midwives for Nablus

Group of nurses in pink clinical gowns and headscarves

Making a difference in Palestine means responding to the difficulties faced by people there; Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association has decided to pay tuition fees for Nursing and Midwifery students in Nablus who cannot afford them.

Our aim is to raise £6,000 which would cover most of the fees for one student throughout their course.

It was the head of the Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Dr Aidah Alkaissi, at An Najah National University who drew attention to Palestinian need for medical professionals.


Please help us to train these much needed nurses and midwives. Your donations count.

Please give whatever you can:
£13tuition for a day
£26tuition for two days
£65tuition for a whole week
£850tuition for a whole semester

Donate online with a Credit or Debit card through Charities Aid Foundation

Or use our Donations and Gift Aid form where you can donate by bank transfer or cheque.


For many years now, FONSA has supported the education of Nurses and Midwives in Nablus, mostly at An Najah National University. Given the difficulties faced living under occupation – lack of available medical expertise, frequent roadblocks and checkpoints delaying or preventing access to urgent medical care etc – the importance of nurses and midwives in local communities has been identified as an urgent need.

Prospective students are put forward by the head of Nursing and Midwifery at An Najah, individual contacts or partner organisations in Nablus. Selection is based on financial need and academic ability. This has enabled students from some of the poorest backgrounds to complete their studies and go on to benefit their communities in a practical and much needed way.

Throughout the funding of their courses, FONSA receives regular updates on their academic progress and can monitor and support the situation of each individual student.

The fees for each semester are 750 Jordanian Dinars (£840) with two semesters per year for four years (costing £6,720).

Sajah, a graduate midwife who was supported by FONSA, has sent her thanks for this funding and explaining she is now employed as a community midwife.

It is made clear to each student that their funding can only continue through their courses as long as funds permit. As all funds are accrued through donations, we rely on your donations to ensure these students can complete their courses. Support from Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association members and friends will be very important.

FONSA is a registered Scottish charity SC038502

Spread the Word

Please spread the word by sending details of this campaign to your friends and contacts. We’ll be putting it on our website and on Facebook and Twitter.

“[Nursing is] one profession where I can make a difference every day ”

Sue Smith