About Nablus

Love Nablus

Nablus is a city living under military occupation. Despite this it is growing and developing with Palestine’s largest university (An Najah National University), several industries and the Palestine stock exchange.

Nablus has a beautiful location lying in a valley between the dramatic heights of Mount Ebal and Mount Gerazim. It is in the northern West Bank about 550m above sea level.

Most of the people are Muslim but Nablus also has a significant Christian community as well as the Samaritans for whom Mount Gerazim is the original Holy Place of Israel.

Nablus is particularly known for its knafeh. This iconic sweet has sweetened cheese within strands of pastry, covered with pistacchios and orange colouring with sugar syrup. Far more delicious than it might sound. It’s the special local cheese that gives it the edge over its rivals.

Meet the people of Nablus:

History of Nablus

Nablus was one of the cities of the Canaanites whose history goes back to 3,000 years BC. It was then called Shakeim (the high place) on top of Balata Hill.

Because of its position among the countries of the ancient world Nablus was influenced by the cultures of ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. According to the Bible, Jesus stopped here for a drink at Jacob’s Well.

Recent times

Recent relaxations have led to more visitors, more trade and a general improvement. But all foreign visitors and all import/exports still have to go through Israeli border controls which continues to inhibit tourism and trade.

Palestinians have their travel restricted by Israeli checkpoints within the West Bank, and the need to get Israeli permits to travel beyond the West Bank – even to visit Jerusalem, Gaza or other parts of Palestine (such as those parts behind the separation wall.

Israel continues to invade Nablus, destroying buildings, arresting and killing Palestinians. Illegal Israeli settlers live in colonies around Nablus and are the source of much aggression and land theft.

Palestinians do not have a vote for the power that effectively rules them and controls their lives – Israel. This situation has endured for over 5 decades since 1967. Self-determination is a fundamental human right enshrined in international law; it is included in the United Nations Charter.