Anxious times

Our role is to encourage friendship and understanding, and it seems that is currently in short supply. With so much news about Palestine it is hard to know what to say in a few words. Most reports are from Israel and Gaza, but Nablus is also affected.

Essentially, the oppression continues but has worsened: continued monitoring, increased restrictions, incursions, arrests and deaths, plus settler harassment. Moving through the checkpoints dividing the West Bank has become much harder. Of course, everyone is upset and affected by the tense atmosphere and uncertainties.

Many Palestinians want the world to realise that colonisation of Palestine has a long history. A current BBC radio series (see below) gives many stories from the British Mandate period which find an echo in the current times. Israel is following Britain’s example.

We like to hear directly from Nablus, so we’ve invited Masa Torabi to explain how her life is affected by the occupation. We sent her the invitation before the current events unfolded but she will answer any questions you have about how they are affecting Nablus.

Finally, I am sure we all feel concern for our friends and everyone living in and around Nablus. We hope they will stay safe.
