Israel must release the fire engine donated to Palestine by UK firefighters!
Open letter launched by London firefighters and fire & rescue workers.
Scottish firefighters and Fire Brigade Union members sourced, refitted and kitted out a fire engine with medical equipment and firefighting apparatus to send to Palestinian firefighters in Nablus. This life saving equipment arrived at the port of Ashdod on 21 July 2024 but was seized by Israeli authorities even though it had the correct credentials and paperwork. They are refusing to allow it to be delivered to Nablus and are now threatening to send it back to the UK.
In response, the union sent a letter of protest against the seizure to the Israeli ambassador; and FBU members demonstrated outside the Israeli embassy in London to demand the appliance is released.
As firefighters, fire service workers, FBU members, and other trade unionists and supporters of human rights, we the undersigned call for the fire engine to be released so it can help firefighters in Palestine save lives.
More background information on this here.
There is also a petition for wider more general circulation: here
And there is a parliamentary “Early Day Motion” you can ask your MP to sign: see here for text and who has signed so far