

These links are here for your information only and are not endorsed by the Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association or Dundee City Council.

Friends and Related Organisations

FONSA – Friends of Nablus and Surrounding Areas (Scottish charity supporting Nablus)
Scottish Friends of Palestine
Witness Centre in Nablus
Scottish Palestinian Forum
Britain Palestine Friendship & Twinning Network (BPFTN)

Official Websites

City of Dundee
Nablus Municipality (Arabic only just now)


University of Dundee
University of Abertay Dundee
An-Najah National University, Nablus


Nablus Guide (Tourist guide prepared by Project Hope)
Project Hope
Zajel Youth Exchange Programme

Media information

Other Nablus and Palestinian information links

Amnesty International group in Dundee
American Task Force on Palestine
EAPPI and EAPPI in the UK Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Hadeel – Fairtrade shop in Edinburgh selling Palestinian products
Zaytoun – UK not-for-profit company importing and selling Palestinian olive oil, soap, etc.
Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Palestine

See also

Dundee is twinned with other cities. Information about these twinning associations can be found: